J5 Kids ( ADULT US3.5 to 6)

  • Helps with tired achy feet. Sore Heels, Knee Pain and Shin Splints

  • Medical Terminology - helps with Severs Disease, Achilles tendonitis, Osgood Schlatters, Flexible Flat

  • J4 and J5 are the same designs. J5 is bigger in width and length for larger feet in this age group.

  • Size uk 2.5 to uk 4.5, insole measures 22cm to 24cm

  • 30 day satisfaction guarantee

  • Discounts with Multiples 2 pairs 10%, 3 pair 15%, 4 Pair 20%

Childrens feet between this age are showing more long term arch position. The main bone of the arch, the navicular, is solid. The sustinaculum tali lever system of the heel bone is also full formed. Kids in this age group are generally playing more sports and overall more physical in their activity.

Heel cupping of this orthotic remains lower, although the pitch of the orthotic from forefoot to rearfoot increases to prevent common injurys/pain seen in this age group. Cuboid support ( outside part of midfoot) added to trigger peroneal muscle function ( outside leg muscles with tendons to foot) to strengthen and keep child guided on orthotics. Shelf beneath the navicular to support arch position. The density of this orthotic material will hold up against multiple load sources. If you have a very active kids ( 5 times the force running over walking) or on the opposite scale an over weight child. The orthotic will stand up against extra load.

*tc’s apply- please be advises highest discount applies. Multiple discounts are not available in same order

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  • Helps with tired achy feet. Sore Heels, Knee Pain and Shin Splints

  • Medical Terminology - helps with Severs Disease, Achilles tendonitis, Osgood Schlatters, Flexible Flat

  • J4 and J5 are the same designs. J5 is bigger in width and length for larger feet in this age group.

  • Size uk 2.5 to uk 4.5, insole measures 22cm to 24cm

  • 30 day satisfaction guarantee

  • Discounts with Multiples 2 pairs 10%, 3 pair 15%, 4 Pair 20%

Childrens feet between this age are showing more long term arch position. The main bone of the arch, the navicular, is solid. The sustinaculum tali lever system of the heel bone is also full formed. Kids in this age group are generally playing more sports and overall more physical in their activity.

Heel cupping of this orthotic remains lower, although the pitch of the orthotic from forefoot to rearfoot increases to prevent common injurys/pain seen in this age group. Cuboid support ( outside part of midfoot) added to trigger peroneal muscle function ( outside leg muscles with tendons to foot) to strengthen and keep child guided on orthotics. Shelf beneath the navicular to support arch position. The density of this orthotic material will hold up against multiple load sources. If you have a very active kids ( 5 times the force running over walking) or on the opposite scale an over weight child. The orthotic will stand up against extra load.

*tc’s apply- please be advises highest discount applies. Multiple discounts are not available in same order

For all order in USA and CANADA please click here for your order page

Is your Child suffering with Foot, Leg, Knee or Back Pain?

Is your child complaining about general soreness in one or more of these areas? Is there ability to stay playing their favourite sports or running around with their peers becoming more of a challenge for them?

No parent ever wants to see their CHILD in pain and PAIN holding them back from doing the things they love!

Did you know its not uncommon for a child to complain of soreness, pain and general aching to their parents for over 12 months without getting any help? Parents are busy and its easy to pass off Growing pains, Aches and Soreness with exercises as just part of growing up! But its really not!

ANY pain means that LOAD is not being tolerated well by muscles, tendons and bones. We need to ACT NOW and help our kids manage the load their FEET and BODY are under in activity.

Changing the position of the feet can change the way the body ABSORBS load. By providing a stable base for their FOOT to contact the ground we can reduce the RISK of injury Under LOAD and treat or even prevent PAIN. Giving our kids the step ahead they need to keep ACTIVE , HEALTHY and HAVING FUN!

Try Kidzoles NOW for a RISK FREE PERIOD OF 30 days and test how these insoles make ALL the DIFFERENCE to your CHILDS PAIN!